Tuesday 3 December 2013

Days Out, Christmas Jumper and Food

BlogSpot? You there bro?!


So further contemplation has led me to believe for the first month (at least) this blog will be a wishy washy shambles with my posts going here there and everywhere and round the block again!  Heavens knows that, at this point, I am most certainly talking to myself but hey ho, nothing new there.

I am assuming that for me this experience might be a bit like keeping a diary?  A diary where I sometimes write about makeup products and clothes with little tutorials on how to use certain products?  Yeah so maybe it isn’t really a diary but I shall go ahead and name this my journal.  Naming things is good.  It’s the first step to becoming organised (the next step is actually putting things away and not just leaving them where they fall on the floor but let’s not talk about that…)

Anyway, since I have nowhere near planned for what my first few posts will be about, I think I’ll just write down what I did with my last few days or so.

Here’s the itinerary at a glance (prewarning that I’m nowhere near as busy as this normally!):
  • Thursday afternoon: My boyfriend arrived to come and visit me. Ordered chicken kebab takeout
  • Friday: Went into town in the evening after lectures had ended and saw Catching Fire (LIFE=OVER).  Pizza hut followed
  • Saturday: Went into town for the St. Nicholas market.  KFC then cheeky Chinese noodles.
  • Sunday: Lazy day in bed eating Doritos then off to the train station to send the boy packing.  Chinese buffet interim.

I had a great long weekend with him and what I have gathered from looking back at these few days is that I really need to have that boy over more often.  I eat incredibly indulgently when he’s around!  Probably because he’s a generous and pays for all my food … Student life really doesn’t allow me to eat like this on a regular basis (sadly)!

So on Thursday evening he made the hour and a half trip from Manchester to York to come and see me, he arrived at my campus and we spent a lazy evening in catching up and watching the Hobbit.   I fell asleep four times during the film waking up to find I’d missed the best bits!

The next day, on Friday, I headed to lectures in the morning then we hopped off to the city centre to FINALLY see Catching Fire.  OH MY GOD.  I was… It was… I am so speechless at how perfect the adaptation to the books was.  And there are no words for how amazing Jennifer Lawrence was in it.  NO.  WORDS.
First Christmas JUMPER!

Before we went into the cinema I was a bit chilly so headed to one of the cheap-scary-someone-might-murder-me-if-I-go-in-here-shops-but-hell-its-cheap-so-screw-it where I got a cute ass jumper for a fiver.  If we are being technical my FIRST EVER Christmas jumper!
My lovely new (cheap) gloves!

Saturday we went back into the city centre since we’d seen a bunch of hut like market things Friday night and boy was it packed!  Not a huge fan of Christmas markets when you can barely move/see anything but I picked up some simple stretch black gloves at 50p each.  I got three pairs.  Why do I possibly need 3 pairs of plain black gloves? God dam the unrivalled allure of cheap things.  Just can’t say no!
Snowflake and some shifty looking reindeer all the way!
That night was the last night before one of my flat mates moved out so we ordered in some take out from a Chinese and Indian.  When the delivery man came we sent one of the boys down to collect it but got a phone call 5 mins later saying that the delivery person couldn’t see who he was giving the food to, to which my mate replied ‘The short Chinese boy who looks like a sheep’s been chewing on his head’.  The sad thing is that she wasn’t like this when we first met.  What a bad influence we are ;)

Sunday was a lazy day lolling around and saying goodbye to our flat mate.  Afterwards me and my boyfriend went to the station after a lovely Chinese meal.  On the way there we were talking about his sister’s blog and joking about how we should make one to keep people up to date.  Not sure about that but I did think I’d give it a go!

Au Revoir at the train station.  Someone looks happy to leave!

Wondering if I did a makeup post anyone would read it? Probably not but hey, why not? Ain’t nothing wrong with giving it a go!

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