Monday 2 December 2013

In the Beginning...

Andddd in the first picture uploaded I manage to leave the wardrobe door open in the background... So smooth...

Hey there BlogSpot!

So I’m firstly going to state straight off the bat that I am super duper nervous about posting this.

I've written my ‘first’ blog post numerous times over the years but never actually gathered up the courage (or grown the balls) to shove it out there into the vast domain claimed by those they call bloggers.  In each of my ‘first posts’ I tried to adopt a different tone.  I was funny and cool, interesting and silly, a badass and a total nerd but never with these personas overlapping.  Today I am just sitting down and writing a post about me, by me.  No badassery included.

So.  Down to business, here's the basics.  I am;
  •  Called Gina
  •  At university studying law (first year)
  •  Addicted to creatively procrastinating doing said law work
  •  Completely and totally useless at staying focused!

  • I’ll be posting about a wide range of things branching out from my daily life
  • Posting things including, but not limited to (see, I really am a law student!): Thoughts and ideas, makeup and beauty, daily going ons and anecdotes and just generally me being me.

  • Bullet points are fun and will be used extensively and for no real reason throughout!

Hopefully I’ll get to use this blog as an outlet for my ramblings and maybe even pick up some advice from cooler kids I might meet along the way.  Not holding out much hope for that though.  If the men in the white coats couldn't fix me, I’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who can!

I guess blogging will be whatever I make of it and a good way to keep track of where my mind is at right now so hopefully, in a few years time, future Gina will be scrolling back and able to reminisce about this very first post. Future Gina is probably procrastinating too. GET BACK TO WORK WOMAN!

Well since I suspect I am talking to myself I will do myself the courtesy of wishing myself good luck on this epic quest they call BLOGGING (dramatic, huh?!) .

Good luck stupid face,  I’ll see you on the other side!

Annnd CUT!


  1. hmmm i like the picture heavy posts! i saw you joined the 2014 blogger challenge so i'm following you on bloglovin, cant wait for your next post ^^

    1. Well I have no doubt you'll be getting plenty of picture heavy posts ^^ Ohhh I'm so excited, will definitely follow back, I can't wait to see what everyone writes :'D
