Tuesday 3 December 2013

And then I became a Smurf...

So what an awesomely crazy stupid evening I’ve had.  My flat basically had a last minute Christmas meal tonight and no expense was spared.  Stolen toilet paper from the common room as makeshift tinsel.  Stolen poster paper from the elevator to make snowflakes.  £1 Iceland chips.  Kitchen role paper hats.  Yep we certainly went all out for this one, SCREW THE BUDGET!

Nobody can tell us we didn't try.

We’d originally planned (although ‘planned’ is used loosely, you know how I feel about organising anything!) to have the meal on Thursday when we’d have time to nip down to Aldi and grab a cheap (but nonetheless jolly) turkey.  Sadly, my wariness of anything organisation based was reinforced when I discovered that two of our flatmates were going back to China for the holidays on Wednesday.  Yeah.  Thanks for letting us know guys.  Needless to say the whole thing was a mad dash rush but at the end of the day, death toll by fire was minimal and most of the injuries sustained shouldn’t be too long term... So I’d call that a success.

To cut a long story short, I started the evening looking like this:

And ended it looking a bit more like this:

With a large amount of this thrown in for good measure:

Ahh yes, what an attractive sexual beast I am.

So I was going to say that for those still reading and haven’t been scared off by my beautiful face but just realised that I am the only one here and since I haven’t been scared off, everything is good to go.

Anyway the evening started with the whole flat in a mad dash to prepare food.  We’d decided since no one had actually planned any Christmassy food, we would all just contribute one or two things in the hope that it would somewhat resemble a buffet.  Needless to say that unless buffets use frying pans as Doritos holders we fell rather short.

Unsurprisingly since my flat is made up of mostly Chinese international students (it’s a long story), all us English people were outshone, out done and just generally out of the kitchen (boy do those people invade!).  I guess a £1 bag of chips from Iceland doesn’t really compare to a prawn dish, a chicken curry and honey marinated chicken wings, but although my contribution may not have been fancy, the plate was licked clean! 

For some reason I decided that Christmas = Faces painted and whipped out my Maybelline 24 hour colour tattoo eye shadows and a MUA lipstick in order to bully my flatmates into submission.  To prove a point I painted myself the most ridiculous so no one could argue that there was any favoritism of patterns involved.  JThough not an art student myself, no one can say I didn’t try.  I’m sure you’ll agree, my talents are wasted as a Law student.  I'm just a bid ol' smurf with a pot of eye shadow!

From there we ate our mains, had some desert (chocolate log and ice cream), neglected to clean up (tomorrow will not be fun), then decided to play… musical chairs.  Now.  Musical chairs you may ask.  Why musical chairs you may think?  The real question is, why would you NOT finish off a Christmas meal with musical chairs!?

After a few (rather violent) rounds next to the lift to which our resident Indian had prewarned us rather menacingly that he had ‘never lost a game of musical chairs in his life’.  We headed back into the kitchen for some crazy photo taking session before people started to filter back to their rooms.  One of our guys had an essay to finish to be handed in for the morning that counted towards his overall mark to finish.  I would pay money to read what he wrote, tipsy and covered in glitter after he left!

All in all, although I may not have the most party crazy, mad drinking flat, and although I am unexpectedly in an ethnic minority, I really do love these kids <3

I shall leave this post here (since it’s rather long already) with a bunch of photos taken throughout the evening by our resident photographer.  Some of my camera phone ones will be filtered in as well although no prizes for guessing whose are whose!

I believe my victi... volunteer at this point asked whether or not she should trust me to decorate her face which I obviously replied she shouldn't.  She laughed at the time but she isn't laughing now ;)

CONSISTENCY! Our expressions haven't changed, just the colour of our faces!

Me and our lovely photographer!

(Most of the) Girlies from the flat! Me on the end.

And finally leaving with one of the many ridiculous faces I pulled whenever someone faced a camera towards me.  It's my new tactic to stop being photographed that will hopefully scare off anyone crazy enough to want to point a camera at me in future!


  1. Love the decorations you guys made they're awesome! Looks like a fun night, lovely post!

    1. Haha thank you, my flats spent farr to long tjat night stealing toilet paper and cutting it into snowflakes!
