Wednesday 1 January 2014

In the New Year I Want to be a Zombie

YEYYY! The start of the 2014 Blogger Challenge has BEGUN! I’m not going to make a guarantee that I will complete every single tag HOWEVER (going crazy with the cap locks today huh?!) I WILL try and do as many as I can - university and sleeping provided!

So, for those not familiar with the challenge, I’m supposed to be writing a blog post twice a month to a prompt that the lovely host Gaby has chosen.  This month’s prompt isssss:

‘The topic for the first post of the #2014BloggerChallenge is going to be "New Years Inspiration" - the idea is that instead of writing new year’s resolutions on your blog you share a quote or a picture that inspires you and you think will inspire others in the New Year.’

After pondering long and hard over the vast amount of inspirational pictures and quotes that ol’ tumblr is churning out these days, I felt compelled to bypass the generic ‘be a better person’ nonsense.  Far too generalised for my liking.  What I was looking for in my ‘inspiration’ was specifics.  After strenuous minutes of panicking that I may well have fallen at the first hurdle and maxed out my brain capacity at this early stage in the year, I finally realised what the perfect inspiration for the coming year would be:

These sexy beasts here.  Ooft.  Look at that dress sense… the style… the flare these guys have just jumps of the screen.  Don’t tell me that you’re not now wishing that you’d grabbed this picture first.  Cursing that your inner fashion demon had sniffed out the up and coming trends.  No?

In all serious though, I genuinely think that this picture, and indeed the concept of these basically bad-ass butt-kicking walkers should indeed inspire me to brave out this scary new blank page of a year.

Although most of my examples are going to be fastened to *cue dramatic voice* AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’, I am a humongous zombie book and film fan and these observation have come from numerous sources across the genre so don’t shoot me if it doesn’t always match up to everyone’s favourite show.  Disclaimer done!

I know.  I’m making no sense but stick with me here!

First thing’s first.  Say what you will about their potentially skewed moral compass, these zombie folk are persistent buggers.  They see what they want and BOOM, they will not stop till it’s theirs.  Short of the occasional severing of the lower limbs, and bullet through the face, few creatures have such determined drive to succeed.  Relating this to my year, I most definitely need to chase my university degree and further procrastination (note the use of the word ‘further’) needs to be minimised.  Law is wiping the floor with me at the moment and I don’t want to be constantly playing catch up to the other boys and girls who already did the subject at A Levels and spend their lectures laughing at the 50% who didn’t.

So yeah.  Persistence

An example of how one should most definitely seek to pursue ones love interest.

This next one most definitely relates to the first.  Over the next year I hope to develop a more definitive sense of purpose.  Right now I’m floating around in the vast universitysphere, a place where all those who have-no-clue-what-they-want-to-do-in-life-but-hey-screw-it-I’ll-go-to-university are pushed into.  I’m like a zombie without a lovely hot meat bag to chase.  Like said zombie though, I hope to jump on the perfect opportunity (assuming one will come waddling this way in the next three years) and know that it’s exactly what I want to… eat?  The word ‘do’ seemed inappropriate for my simile but anyway.  NEXT.

Friendship.  This one speaks for itself.  Ain’t anyone got more friends than a dead person. 

Never leaving anyone out the biters are always together, making new friends all the time. Look at that teamwork - Isn’t it lovely <3

TOUGH SKIN.  Metaphorically of course.  Think of all the mean things that people say about these poor misunderstood dead people.  Did their Nana never tell them not to talk ill of the dead?  Pshhh.  How rude.  Anyway, nothing gets under the decaying’s skin.  Maggots and germs maybe but never WORDS.  And that’s what's important here.  Getting upset over silly things that I’ll forget about in a week’s time should be off the agenda for the New Year.  Looking back through all the things that have upset me over the last year is making me feel foolish – some of the overly emotional responses have most definitely not been warranted.  (As an aside though, as a hormonal teenage girl I am holding up less hope for this one than some of the others!)

Look at how much happier not caring what people say makes you ^^ His grin is so adorable :’)

I have tonnes more qualities of these friendly beasties I’d like to adopt – Never saying no, less inhibitions, nerve, a catchy theme tune, good hygiene etc etc – you get my drift.  But I think I’ll cut this off here with my last one:

A worldwide audience of 16.1 million people.  Aiming high right? A girl’s got to hope…

So from this exercise I have learnt a lot about myself.
  1.   I really know how to stretch a metaphor
  2.   I apparently want to be able to compare myself to a flesh eating monster from a (currently) fictional scenario (you never know)
  3.   I have absurdly high aims

This should be an interesting year...

I look forward to reading everyone else’s!

Gina x

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