Wednesday 8 January 2014

A Christmas in Pictures

A Christmas in Pictures

I thought this would be a nice way to document a bunch of the things I did in Christmas 2013 for myself without having to write a post on each (like I had originally planned *grrr* damn you coursework).  It’ll be lovely to look back and remember all the things I did!  *Warning future Gina* This is a picture heavy post ;)

Christmas started, for me, with the flat Christmas party (which I already have a post up on) but I had a brilliant time with all my flatmate and some pretty awesome food as well!

Revision begun as all my flat mates went home and my lectures finally finished!  A little quote I found in the revision guide was this:

Who slipped Narnia in there!? Law was supposed to be boring!
 As people left, gifts started arriving and I had no problem filching them on discovery!
A great moment was when I found out that the boy who had left Uni had left his room unlocked and I could go and nosy around and laugh at what he had left behind!

When I finally got home, my boyfriend and I went out to the markets shopping (I remember a certain amount of kicking and screaming on his part until he saw the food and promptly shut up!).  Didn’t get any photos but we spent a whole bunch of money in the food section trying all the different things that they had to offer!  Afterwards, (as if we weren't pumpkin shaped enough as it was) we ended up in a cute Chinese desert house.  I have NEVER been in such a place before and boy was it a discovery.  We ordered 2 desserts, I only got a picture of 1 to show my mum, and they were the most delicious things I have ever tasted in my whole entire life.  One of them was a sort of ice cream fruit platter, that was HUGE and the other - waffles with chocolate ice cream and cream.  Only downside was that (yet again) I was sitting in a room and was the only one speaking English (along with my boyfriend of course)!  Everyone looked massively bemused when we started playing rock, paper, scissors for the bill (I lost grrr!).

Tell me you're not jealous?!
Since I've only just gotten my new phone, and my old was too slow to have any kinds of apps downloaded on  it, this was the Christmas of the SnapChat.  What a discovery.  I now have multiple images of my face on different days looking ridiculous on all!

Assumed use of Snapchat:

Actual use:

I attempted to wash in wash out dye my hair the same colour it already is.  Why?!  I have no idea.

Although no pictures were taken of most of our KFC food, I can guarantee we spent a considerable amount of our time in there.  Some would say too much time.  I would disagree.  Either way this was the only picture I took inside the premises itself of the most disappointing thing from the menu - cream balls.

Blah blah blah, insert hideous selfie from Martin's Birthday here… Mmmm look at those rolls!

Christmas presents!!!

Using Christmas presents! (soo manly ;)) 

Trafford Center!  Okay so this was such an awesome day!  To cut a long story short, we skipped the shopping (definitely not like me) in favour of the farrr more fun option of playing in the arcade.  We spent four hours in there and won a tonne of tickets which we fed to machines in order to claim 2 mugs, 3 Maoims and a tub of bubbles.  Unsurprisingly the bubbles were the most popular prize for us!  We did have a mooch round the Trafford Centre as well though and the Christmas lights were so pretty!

We fought over these bubbles and the half hour of entertainment they provided!

Some silly birthday snaps:


Cute :')

The day I left we made some chocolate shapes from Magic chocolate that I got given, for Christmas.  Unsurprisingly mine were CLEARLY better!


Also mine...

Again, this masterpiece is mine....

I'm sorry Martin but really?! It was suppose to be a dog!

When I finally got back to York my Mama and me went to the pub before she headed back.

And last but not least, today I had a Criminology exam and as I was walking back I got some of the most gorgeous shots of my campus.  Ghost town it may be, but you can’t deny it isn’t beautiful too!

So many pictures! But I had an absolutely awesome Christmas break - minus revision which was less fun!

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